Embracing Stillness


Everything inside me wants to say, are you crazy?! Embrace the stillness?! No way! If I am still, I’ll be forced to think. If I think, I’ll be forced to feel. If I feel, well that’s just scary. Often, I find myself running from stillness, because it is so uncomfortable. However, as I am beginning to find, there is peace in the stillness. Why? Because I can find God there. Yes, when I sit with no agenda, in the quiet of the morning, tea in hand, and simply say, here I am God, I find a rest that fills my soul. I sit with my thoughts and feelings in God’s presence and somehow, some way, He helps me sort through the chaos. Psalm 46:10 says, Be still and know that I am God. This implies that as I am still, I will know that He is God. It is in the stillness that He takes His rightful place as God in my life and all of the other “gods” take their rightful place. So today, maybe take a few minutes to sit quietly and breathe. Breathe in the words, “be still,” and exhale the words, “and know that I am God.” Do this several times. Just sit. Most likely, you will not feel a shazam, or a lightning bolt, but as you begin to practice stillness daily, you will begin to feel a quietness in your soul. You will begin to feel a peace in your mind and a connection with God. May you be blessed today dear friend as this truth weaves its way into the fabric of your life.

Much love,



Be still…

and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10